Don't Come Running
(Feat. Sabina Jarząbek)
Progressive Rock
"Don't Come Running is a dark yet pretty message to the listener, conjuring up imagery of a lost soul howling at the moon in their loneliness".
The artist
Steve has been on the scene for a number of years playing bass and singing backing vocals in Maldune. After a few years of threatening to do it he recorded a solo album with Phil Reynolds and took the plunge in 2016 - 'World outside my Window' was the finished product and was followed up with the album In the 'Distance I see Light' released in 2018 and since has released a singles. All songs have been produced on the Small Bear Records Label.
The song
Heavy drums and an ethereal clean guitar bathed in modulating effects thunder in and are followed in quick succession by a reverb laden vocal from Steve. The dual vocals peak and flow during the moody but beautiful chorus. Sabina's solo vocals then take charge. The sobre feel of her performance is harrowing as is the familiar second chorus. Tribal heavy drums re enter over an electric organ hammering the progression further into your mind. A third chorus walks you to the door and sees you out.
The verdict
Don't Come Running is a dark yet pretty message to the listener, conjuring up imagery of a lost soul howling at the moon in their loneliness. The instrumentation and production of this record is exceedingly high. Steve and Sabina's voice blend perfectly and heighten the dramatics of the song brilliantly.
If you like...
You you're a fan of 00s Porcupine Tree, Blackfield and moody rock then this will be for you.
